cannot be prepared by heating NaF and MnO2 with conc. H2SO4
Fluorine being the most electronegative
element, MnO2 and H2SO4 are not able to
oxidise F- to fluorine.
covalent bonds in halogens are always sigma bonds in nature?
The elements of the halogen family have ns2 np5
configuration of the valence shell. Thus, they have only one partially
filled p-orbital present in the valence shell and the axial overlap of two
partially filled orbitals of the two halogen atoms results in the formation of
an o-bond.
happens when fluorine gas is bubbled through a dilute solution of an alkali?
2 NaOH+2F2
(Cold) 2 NaF +OF2+H2O
forms no compound analogous to HClO4.
Being more electronegative than
oxygen, Fluorine forms a weak bond with oxygen. Also because of its small size,
it cannot form a compound analogue to Cl2O7.
member of the halogen family is most expected to exhibit positive oxidation
state and why?
Iodine is most expected to
exhibit positive oxidation states because in moving down the group. Ionisation
potential goes on decreasing and hence, tendency to form positive ions
increases down the group.
CF4 and
SF4 are not is structural.
In CF4, carbon is sp3
hybridised. Thus, CF4 has tetrahedral shape. In SF4, sulphur is sp3
d-hybridised. Thus, SF4 has distorted trigonal bipyramidal shape in which one
position is occupied by a lone pair.
why AgBr is insoluble in water but soluble in Na2S2O3. Explain by writing
AgBr is insoluble in water due
to its higher lattice energy. If dissolves in hypo due to the formation of a
water soluble complex.
AgBr + 2N2S2O3Na3[Ag(S2O3)2]
+NaBr. Sod. Argento thiosulphate.
exists but BrF7 does not. Explain.
Iodine forms IF7 due to large size of central
iodine atom. But BrF7 does not exist because seven fluorine atoms cannot be
coordinated to relatively small bromine atom.
hydrofluoric acid is the weakest of all halogen acids?
Hydrofluoric acid exists in the form of
associated molecules due to hydrogen bonding. Thus, due to thus, hydrogen ions
are less available in solution.
cannot fluorides be oxidised to fluorine except by electrolysis?
Fluorine being the strongest
oxidising agent, fluorides cannot be oxidised to fluorine except by
Why do
halogens exist as diatomic molecules?
Each halogen atom has seven
valence electrons and has a strong tendency to acquire one more electrons for
stable configuration. Thus, each atom mutually shares one electron and form
diatomic molecules.
hydrogen fluoride is a stable compound but KHCl2 is not. Explain.
Due to high electro negativity
of fluorine, HF forms hydrogen bond with F- ions and exists as HF2-
ions. Due to this, KHF2 is formed. On the other hand, HCl does
not form hydrogen bonds and HCl2- is not formed.
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